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Alternate Names

  • Benci del Sanna
  • Benci di Sanna
  • Benci Vinattieri
  • Sanna

Heraldry Information

type 1 (CP 535): D'oro, a due leoni affrontati d'azzurro, ascendenti un monte di sei cime dello stesso, i.e.

Or, two lions combatant azure, in base a mountain of three tops of the second, i.e.

Gold (yellow) shield with two rampant blue lions facing each other over a three-topped blue mountain.

type 2 (CP 532): D'oro, a due leoni affrontati d'azzurro, accompagnati da una rosa di rosso (oppure da un ramo di rosaio al naturale, fiorito di un pezzo di rosso), i.e.

Or, two lions combatant azure, in chief a rose gules, i.e.

Gold (yellow) shield with two rampant blue lions facing each other under a red rose.

Group Type a
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1302
Year of Last Priorate 1530
Total Priorates Held 33
Ceramelli Number 532
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank High Status
Padgett Rank Popolani, 1282-1342
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage yes
Database ID 238

Memorials (7 total)

Le Murate 13 Amerigo Benci
Le Murate Benci
S. Croce 019 Cappella della Santa Cecilia e tutte le Vergini
circa 1298 to 1926 d
S. Croce 174 effigy tomb of Giovanni di Amerigo Benci
S. Croce crypt 151 Sanne Benci
S. Gaggio 6 cassone Nera Benci and Ghita Corsini
SS. Annunziata 0 0

Related Individuals (3 total)

Manieri, Nera (donna) di Lapo di Maniero (uxor Sennozzo di Bencino del Sanna)
Mannelli, Maria (uxor Amerigo di Giovanni Benci)
Salviati, Guida di Mag. Salvi di Mag. Cambio di Mag. Salvi di S. Guglielmo (uxor Chele di Benci Benci)

Locations (5 total)

Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence e
July 1st, 1517 (year is approximate) to May 1st, 1530 (year is approximate)
Scala, S. Spirito, Florence f
August 11th, 1343 to December 31st, 1443 (year is approximate)
Scala, Oltrarno, Florence g
circa 1302 (date is approximate) to August 10th, 1343 h
S. Maria del Fiore (Drago), Drago S. Giovanni, S. Giovanni, Florence i
circa 1395 (date is approximate) to circa 1526 (date is approximate)
Vaio, S. Giovanni, Florence j
March 1st, 1463 (year is approximate) to February 28th, 1500 (year is approximate)


  • [a] The family appears twice in the Priorista Mariani, and Padgett includes them as separate lineages, one popolani, the other new-new men, but the Priorista Mariani and Ceramelli Papiani make clear it is the same family with slightly different arms.
  • [b] inscription and coat of arms
  • [c] coat of arms and name on tomb
  • [d] Though not documented until fifteenth century, the chapel has never been listed with a patron other than the Benci family. May correspond to patronage of tomb in crypt for Sanna Benci.
  • [e] Ceramelli Papiani 535 associates the Benci with Leon Nero, and family members held the priorate from this district from 1517 through 1530.
  • [f] Family had priors serving this district from 1345 through 1443.
  • [g] Sanna Benci represented the Oltrarno district in 1302, but family likely lived there earlier.
  • [h] Benci Sanna represented Oltrarno district in 1302, but family likely resident here earlier.
  • [i] Ceramelli Papiani 532 associates the family with this district, and the Benci Vinattieri branch served the priorate from here between 1407 and 1526. The Priorista Mariani notes the family in the parish of Santa Reparta, the former name of this parish, in 1395.
  • [j] The Benci had priors serving this district from 1463 through 1500.