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Potenza del Imperatore del Prato a

According to David Rosenthal, this group was one of about forty potenze active in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Florence (literally "powers," whose artisan members organized festive activities in the neighborhoods under their purview.) Their territory, or "kingdom," centered around the church of S. Lucia sul Prato where they had at least one tomb in which to bury their leaders, known as emperors.

It remains unclear whether the coat of arms on the S. Lucia sul Prato tomb represented the potenza as a whole or only the man who was emperor in 1594. Giuseppe Richa reported that the group carried a standard showing the well from the Prato, or field, from which the group took its name.

Alternate Names

  • Empire of the Meadow
  • Imperadore del Prato

Heraldry Information

Monte di sei cime, cimato da una fiamma, alla foglia di sega in banda attraversante, i.e.

Six-peaked mount topped with a flame and crossed by a saw blade in bend (i.e. from upper left to lower right), colors unknown.

Group Type
Database ID 2884

Memorials (1 total)

S. Lucia sul Prato 3 sepoltura Imperatore del Prato b
1594 to 1720

Buildings (1 total)

S. Lucia sul Prato


  • [a] For more on this potenza see David Rosenthal, “Big Piero, the Empire of the Meadow, and the Parish of Santa Lucia: Claiming Neighborhood in the Early Modern City.” Journal of Urban History 32, no. 5 (July 1, 2006): 677–92. https://doi.org/10.1177/0096144206287100; and for the history of these social groups more broadly, see his Kings of the Street: Power, Community, and Ritual in Renaissance Florence. Europa Sacra 17. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.
  • [b] The Torrigiani-sponsored church renovation included repaving of the floor in 1720, which is likely when the inscription from this tomb was installed in the building's facade.