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S. Lucia sul Prato

The seat of a parish by 1221, Santa Lucia sul Prato underwent several major renovations, the first in the 1550s after the Scopetini took possession of the building, again in 1720 by the brothers Raffaello and Giovanni di Vincenzo Torrigiani, and again in the late nineteenth century.

Affiliations (3 total)
  • parochial
  • Humiliati
Database ID 12

Alternate Names

  • Santa Lucia a Sant'Eusebio
  • Santa Lucia sul Prato d'Ognissanti

Affiliated Groups (4 total)

popolo di S. Lucia sul Prato a
from the early 13th century
padri Umiliati in Ognissanti
circa 1250 (date is approximate) to 1547
Canonici Regolari di S. Salvatore
1547 to 1575 b
Potenza del Imperatore del Prato


  • [a] Though not one of the original 48 parishes established in the early twelfth century, S. Lucia sul Prato was documented as such in 1221. See Marta Benvenuti, “Santa Lucia sul Prato.” Parrocchia di S. Lucia sul Prato. Accessed April 15, 2024.
  • [b] Less than two decades after their transfer to S. Pier Gattolini, the canons moved across the river to S. Lucia sul Prato, where they displeased locals with their management of the parish, especially hands-off after their relocation to S. Jacopo Soprarno in 1575. For more on these disputes see David Rosenthal, “Big Piero, the Empire of the Meadow, and the Parish of Santa Lucia: Claiming Neighborhood in the Early Modern City.” Journal of Urban History 32, no. 5 (July 1, 2006): 677–92, esp. 681, 685-686.