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Alternate Names

  • Quarata

Heraldry Information

Troncato d'azzurro e d'oro, all'aquila dal volo abbassato d'argento nel primo, sostenuta dalla partizione, i.e.

Per fess azure and Or, in chief an eagle displayed argent, i.e.

Divided horizontally blue over gold with a silver spread eagle in the top portion.

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1317
Year of Last Priorate 1518
Total Priorates Held 41
Ceramelli Number 3899
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank High Status
Padgett Rank Popolani, 1282-1342
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage yes
Database ID 457

Memorials (13 total)

S. Croce 0 1298
S. Francesco 01a Cappella Maggiore de Quaratesi
circa 1450 (date is approximate) to present
S. Francesco 01b sepoltura di Castello Quaratesi
1510 to present
S. Francesco 11a Cappella de Quaratesi
S. Francesco 11b chiusino di Cammilla Quaratesi Capponi 1506
1506 to present
S. Francesco 26 Margherita Quaratesi and Orazio della Rena
1617 to 1801
S. Francesco 51 Arme grande e antica de Quaratesi
S. Francesco facade with Quaratesi arms
S. Niccolò 01a Cappella Maggiore de Quaratesi
circa 1425 (date is approximate) to 1879
S. Niccolò 01b coro de Quaratesi
S. Niccolò 01c sepultura di Bernardino di Castello Quaratesi
S. Niccolò facciata
S. Niccolò sagrestia de Quaratesi

Related Individuals (2 total)

Pandolfini, Picchina di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo di Pandolfino (uxor Priore? di Bernardo di Castello Quaratesi)
Salviati, Agnola di Lotto (uxor Donato di Lottino Quaratesi)

Buildings (2 total)

S. Francesco al Monte
1449 to 1465 a
S. Niccolò


  • [a] After being rebuffed by the Franciscans at Santa Croce for his offer to build a marble facade on their church, Castello Quaratesi turned his attention to the Observant community on the hillside above his neighborhood. His desires clashed with the Franciscan vow of poverty, and work did not progress before his death. Castello's former guild was left in charge and after a structurally unsound building was finished in1498, it was renovated significantly starting the next year and consecrated in 1504.