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S. Francesco 26 Margherita Quaratesi and Orazio della Rena

Alternate Names

  • Sepoltura bellissima delle famiglie della Rena e Quaratesi
  • S. Francesco 26 Margherita Quaratesi and Orazio della Rena
Rosselli Number 26.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
  • marble
Database ID 31619


1801 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

2481 Oratius de Arena Ful: F. Margaritę Quaratesię Francisci F. et Castelli Cenobij, et Templi huius fundatori ex Fratre Abnepti Puerperę in ipso ętatis flore pręreptę, pietate, pudicitia, et morum suavitate incomparabili uxori carissimę, sibi, filiis, Posterisq. Męstissimus pos. Anno Sal. MDCXVII Orazio dell'Arena, son of Fulvio, placed [this tomb] for Margherita Quaratesi, daughter of Francesco and great-great granddaughter of the brother of Castello founder of this monastery and church, (who was) snatched away during labor in the very youthful prime of her life, (when she was) with piety, chastity, and incomparable gentleness of manners, his dearest wife, and for himself, his sons, and his descendants, with greatest sorrow in the year of Salvation 1617.

Individuals (5 total)

Quaratesi, Margherita di Francesco (uxor Orazio di Fulvio della Rena)
Quaratesi, Margherita di Francesco (uxor Orazio di Fulvio della Rena)
1617 to 1801
della Rena, Orazio di Fulvio di Giuliano di Giovanbattista di Andrea
1617 to 1801
della Rena, Orazio di Fulvio di Giuliano di Giovanbattista di Andrea
August 12th, 1630
della Rena, Cosimo di Orazio di Fulvio di Giuliano di Giovanbattista
December 9th, 1696

Groups (2 total)

1617 to 1801
della Rena
1617 to 1801


  • [a] The tomb is described as in the middle of the church (nel mezzo di Chiesa), and the slab partially remains in situ. It was fitted with a new Quaratesi coat of arms and inscription in 1801.
  • [b] The impaled della Rena/Quaratesi arms and inscription installed by Orazio della Rena in honor of his wife Margherita Quaratesi were replaced to commemorate the 1801 burial of the widow of Niccolò Quaratesi, Anna del Conte Pietro Strozzi. The new inscription paraphrases the original and names Orazio and Margherita. Some of the colored marbles that decorate the current slab may be the originals described by Stefano Rosselli.