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The della Sannella (aka Siminetti) were one of the forty families named by Dante in Paradiso 16.88-139 as great in his grandfather Cacciaguida's day, but by his time diminished: "per che non dee parer mirabil cosa / ciò ch'io dirò de li alti Fiorentini / onde è la fama nel tempo nascosa." (‘Then it should not seem strange or marvelous to you / to hear me talk of noble Florentines / whose fame is buried in the depth of time. Hollander trans.)

Alternate Names

  • Sannella
  • Seminetti
  • Siminetti della Sannella

Heraldry Information

type 1: Troncato di rosso e d'oro.

type 2: Idem, alla zanna di leone d'argento, posta in palo nel primo (oppure attraversante sulla troncatura).

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1304
Year of Last Priorate 1399
Total Priorates Held 28
Ceramelli Number 4410
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage yes
Dante Lineage yes
Villani Lineage yes
Molho Rank Low Status
Padgett Rank Popolani, 1282-1342
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage yes
Database ID 492

Memorials (2 total)

Cimitero Canonico 107 Siminetti
S. Croce cemetery 191 Giovanni Siminetti

Related Individuals (3 total)

Contadina (domina) (uxor Siminetto Siminetti)
(uxor M. Primerano Siminetti)
(uxor Rinieri Siminetti)

Locations (3 total)

Borgo, Florence
1173 to August 10th, 1343 a
porta Santa Maria, Florence
circa 1148 (date is approximate) to 1172
Vipera, S. Maria Novella, Florence
August 11th, 1343 to 1785


  • [a] houses and towers in Mercato Nuovo towards Por Santa Maria