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Alternate Names

  • Alieri

Heraldry Information

D'oro (o di rosso), alla banda di vaio.

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? no
Ceramelli Number 131
Branded Magnate? yes
Malespini Lineage yes
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank Magnate
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 71

Memorials (6 total)

Carmine 283.1 Vanni Almieri
S. Croce cemetery 076 messer Foglia
S. Maria Novella 472a Cappella degl'Amieri
S. Maria Novella 472b Zanobi di M. Jacopo Amieri 1363
S. Maria Novella Amieri and Vecchietti
S. Spirito vecchia 035 Amieri
circa 1292 (date is approximate) to March 21st, 1471

Related Individuals (3 total)

Girolami, Elisabetta (domina) di Filippo (uxor Zanobi di M. Jacopo Amieri)
Letta (mona) (uxor Filippo degl'Amieri)
Nera (domina) (uxor Zanobi di M. Jacopo Amieri)


  • [a] It is possible that donna Tancia was married to a member of the Amieri family.
  • [b] Though the family lived north of the river, Stefano Rosselli identifies this marker as belonging to their lineage through its coat of arms and inscription "de Almeriis," and confirmed by the Carmine's Libro de Padronati.
  • [c] The 1439 sepoltuario lists the owner as Messer Foglia de Adimari while other sources identify the tomb as belonging to a Messer Foglia in the Amieri clan. No coat of arms is drawn, making it difficult to know which source is correct.
  • [d] old church sepoltuario
  • [e] According to Klapisch-Zuber, the Amieri were listed as resident in this sesto in the 1325 statutes of the Podestà confirming magnate status.
  • [f] According to Klapisch-Zuber, the Amieri were listed as resident in the Santa Maria Novella quarter in the statutes of the Podestà confirming magnate status from 1355.
  • [g] According to Klapisch-Zuber, the Amieri were listed as resident in this sesto in the 1293 and 1295 statutes of the Podestà confirming magnate status.