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Cacciaguida names the Alberighi as among the formerly powerful families that had declined in his day (Paradiso 16.89) Giovanni Villani (5.10-11) names them as one of the families resident in the porta San Piero neighborhood from early eleventh century, but that they had died out by his own day. According to Marchionne di Coppo Stefani in his Istoria Fiorentina, a tomb on the stairs of Santa Maria Novella was dedicated to Bernardo di Alberigo Alberighi and carried his coat of arms showing three chains linked at the center by a ring. This tomb was restored in the sixteenth century by another Bernardo and his brother Amerigo, the sons of Giovanni d'Amerigo di Giovanni di Tommaso di Niccolò Alberighi. This connection raises questions about whether the family indeed completely die out in the thirteenth or fourteenth century or if relatives from the contado (they family had castles in Certaldo) had moved to Florence and continued the line.

Alternate Names

  • Alberichi
  • Alberighi Antichi
  • Alberighi del Lion bianco

Heraldry Information

D'azzurro, a tre catene poste in pergola d'oro (o d'argento), unite nel cuore per un anello dello stesso.
Azure, with three chains placed in a gold (or silver) bower, joined in the heart by a ring of the same.

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? no
Ceramelli Number 38
Branded Magnate? yes
Malespini Lineage yes
Dante Lineage yes
Villani Lineage yes
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank Not in dataset
Padgett Lineage Not in dataset
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 942

Memorials (1 total)

S. Maria Novella 593 Alberighi
circa 1300s (date is approximate) to circa 1808 (date is approximate)

Locations (3 total)

Leon Bianco, S. Maria Novella, Florence a
1484 to 1544
porta San Piero, Florence b
circa 1078 (date is approximate) to 1172
S. Maria degli Alberighi, Vaio, Porta S. Piero, Florence
1173 to August 10th, 1343

Buildings (1 total)

S. Maria degli Alberighi
circa 1115 (date is approximate) to circa 1348 (date is approximate)


  • [a] The Ceramelli Papiani archive contains notices connecting this family to the Lion Bianco district of Santa Maria Novella.
  • [b] Stefani, Cronaca fiorentina, p. 21 rubr. 35