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Buonarroti, Buonarruota di Simone di Buonarruota di Simone di Buonarruota

Alternate Forenames

  • Bona Rota
  • Bonarota
  • Buonarrota
Birth Family Buonarroti
Gender male
Age at Death 50
Database ID 1017

Life Dates

circa 1355
February 4th, 1405

Posts (7 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
January 7th, 1386 to May 6th, 1386
Tre Maggiori
December 15th, 1388 to March 14th, 1389
Tre Maggiori
May 1st, 1390 to June 30th, 1390
Capitano della Parte Guelfa (Captain, Parte Guelfa) Other
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1397 to December 31st, 1397
Tre Maggiori
December 15th, 1400 to February 14th, 1401
Tre Maggiori
July 1st, 1404 to August 31st, 1404

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cloister 38 Bonarrota di Simone

Locations (1 total)

Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence

Sources (4 total)