
Soderini, Francesco di Tommaso di Guccio di Stefano di Ruggero

Alternate Forenames

  • Francesco
Birth Family Soderini
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 11072

Life Dates

February 26th, 1377

Memorials (1 total)

Carmine 001a Cappella Maggiore
1422 a

Extended Family (32 total)

Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Great aunts and uncles
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Great great nieces and nephews
Second cousins
First cousins once removed

Sources (1 total)

BNCF, Collezione Genealogica Passerini ins. 156, no. 26: Soderini, tav. 3


  • [a] has altar and church consecrated by Pope Martin V; completed chapel construction and decoration begun by Nerli, namely frescoes and large stained-glass window