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Carmine 001a Cappella Maggiore a

Alternate Names

  • Cappella di Maria Vergine
  • Cappella Maggiore de Signori Soderini
  • Eckstein 28 High chapel
  • Padronati 1
  • Procacci 44 Cappella maggiore o di Maria Vergine, di patronato della famiglia Soderini
Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status partial
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • coro
  • organo
  • cappella
  • altare
Component Parts
  • mensa
  • mural b
  • c
  • organ d
  • tomb e
  • f
  • choir g
  • h
Decorative Elements
  • Virgin Mary i
Database ID 232


1299 to 1315 j
1318 k
circa 1318 to 1353 l
1353 m
1390 n
1568 o
1593 p
1663 q
1677 r

Individuals (5 total)

Nerli, Cantino di M. Nerlo di M. Gherardo di Nerlo di M. Gherardo
1318 s
Soderini, Tommaso (messer) di Guccio di Stefano di Ruggero di Soderino
1390 t
Gaddi, Agnolo di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi (dipintore)
1390s u
Colonna, Martin V (Papa)
Soderini, Francesco di Tommaso di Guccio di Stefano di Ruggero
1422 v

Groups (3 total)

1318 to 1353 w
1353 to 1390 x
1390 to present

Related Memorials (10 total)

Carmine 001b Altar maggiore:
Carmine 001c coro nuovo:
1677 z
Carmine 001d mausoleo Piero Soderini:
1515 to present
Carmine 003 Cappella dell'Assunta de Ferrucci :
Carmine 07a Cappella di San Giovanni Battista detta di Santa Lucia:
Carmine 132 Scarlatti brothers 1463:
Carmine 135 moglie del Cavaliere Tomaso Soderini: aa
Carmine 309 ciborio:
Carmine 320 prima trave Andrea Corsini 1365:
Carmine R55 sepoltura del Pugliese:


  • [a] The high altar chapel of the new church (chiesa nova) was oriented to the southwest at the center of the transept, flanked by three smaller chapels on each side. Liturgically this chapel faced east. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Santa Maria del Carmine), rights to the high altar chapel belonged to the Nerli and Serragli families before being given to the Soderini. The Soderini arms were installed in the chancel arch after they received patronage rights.
  • [b] originals by Agnolo Gaddi, replaced in 1755 by Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
  • [c] carried arms of Soderini, described in Ricordanze as a magnificent large window (finestrone) with colored glass; destroyed in fire
  • [d] survived fire and moved to convent
  • [e] multiple, one with effigy of Tommaso di Guccio Soderini; wall tomb suffered damage in fire
  • [f] destroyed in fire
  • [g] wooden seats destroyed in fire
  • [h] 13th-century Madonna del Popolo, moved to Brancacci chapel in 1460 (Eckstein) or 1568 (Fra Anonimo)
  • [i] frescoed narratives of her life by Agnolo Gaddi including Nativity, Presentation at Temple, Marriage, Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity of Jesus, Dormition (transito) and Assumption
  • [j] infertile Corsini parents prayed before Madonna del Popolo to conceive, that child, Andrea Corsini, later was inspired to take up Carmelite habit after praying before the image which had been in possession of friars from the start of their time in Florence
  • [k] Cantino Nerli leaves funds to build cappella maggiore
  • [l] chapel built by Nerli up to vault
  • [m] passes from Nerli to Serragli
  • [n] passes from Serragli to Soderini
  • [o] choir moved here after removal of tramezzo and demolition of old choir; Fra Anonimo says Madonna del Popolo moved at this time, Eckstein says moved earlier
  • [p] wooden ciborium completed and placed on high altar, inlaid by Domenico Atticciati
  • [q] new portable organ purchased by P. Marsilio Ronconi, put in choir
  • [r] new choir stalls with fabric covers to block cold in winter
  • [s] testament drawn up in Avignon; built up through arch of the vault
  • [t] finished the chapel and hired Agnolo Gaddi to paint walls
  • [u] at behest of Soderini
  • [v] has altar and church consecrated by Pope Martin V; completed chapel construction and decoration begun by Nerli, namely frescoes and large stained-glass window
  • [w] testament of Cantino Nerli left money to start chapel, left unfinished
  • [x] though Rosselli gives this association, does not seem to have been noted by frati in Libro dei Padronato
  • [y] arms, tombs, stained glass
  • [z] paid for by Niccolo di Luigi Guicciardini
  • [aa] sopra la scalinata