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Boscoli, Antonio di Francesco di Giachinotto di Francesco di Buonaccorso

Birth Family Boscoli
Gender male
Age at Death 71
Database ID 13903

Life Dates

October 8th, 1427
August 17th, 1493, May 1st, 1499 or a day in between a

Posts (1 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1484 to December 31st, 1484 b

Memorials (1 total)

Badia 050.2 the sons of Giachinotto Boscoli
before May 2nd, 1499

Extended Family (23 total)

Parents in law
Children in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Second cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte della Lana
circa 1472 (date is approximate) to August 1493

Locations (1 total)

S. Procolo (Ruote), Ruote, S. Croce, Florence birth
October 8th, 1427

Sources (4 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 vol. 73, fol. 63
Dizionario biografico degli Italiani d vol. 13 (1971): BOSCOLI, Antonio
ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Dei vol. 376, ins. 50: Boscoli, fol. 5
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 401524, 315090, 7924, 7978


  • [a] Given that Antonio Boscoli does not appear in the Badia's Libro dei defunti, but his son and wife do, he must have died before May 2nd, 1499 when the burial records commence. He was still alive on August 16th when he was drawn, but not seated, for the office of guild consul for the Arte della Lana.
  • [b] Antonio was elected on October 29th, 1484 for the S. Croce quarter
  • [c] Antonio was born in 1427 when his father declared his residence in this parish
  • [d] "BOSCOLI, Antonio" by Franco Cardini in www.treccani.it/biografico