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Bartoli Filippi, Caterina di Giovanfilippo di Francesco (uxor Sen. Pierfilippo di Priore Pandolfini)

Birth Family Bartoli Filippi
Gender female
Age at Death 28
Database ID 13955

Life Dates

circa 1591 (date is approximate)
Maybe February 2nd, 1619 (date is uncertain) a

Memorials (1 total)

Badia 041 monumento Filippo di S. Giovanni Pandolfini
February 2nd, 1619

Related Groups (1 total)


Locations (2 total)

Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy death
February 2nd, 1619 (day is uncertain)
S. Procolo (Chiavi), Chiavi, S. Giovanni, Florence
circa 1605 (date is approximate) to November 20th, 1613

Sources (4 total)

BNCF, Collezione Genealogica Passerini vol. 156, ins. 17: Pandolfini, tav. 6
BNCF, Collezione Genealogica Passerini vol. 46 (Pandolfini), p. 269, tav. VI
BNCF, Conv. Soppr. da Ord., Badia, 2 (str. 1), Libro dei Defunti fol. 71, 216
ASF, Manoscritti, 519, Carte Mariani Dei vol. 3, ins. 34 (Pandolfini), fol. 1v


  • [a] Caterina died in Arezzo and it is unknown how long it took to bring her body back for burial on February 2nd
  • [b] Caterina is documented in this parish in November 1613 at the baptism of her son Francesco, and it is presumed that she moved to her husband's house at their marriage in 1605.