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no surname used, Salvi di Simone di Rinuccio di Benintendi

Birth Family no surname used
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14161

Memorials (1 total)

S. Jacopo soprarno 59 arme di Salvi di Simone Rinucci Benintendi

Locations (1 total)

S. Jacopo Soprarno, Nicchio, Oltrarno, Florence


  • [a] His grandfather Rinuccio di Benintendi was compensated for property damaged by the Ghibellines as assessed in the Liber extimationum of 1269 (Palatium in d. pop. [S. Iacobi Ultrarno] desctructum.) Given that his tomb is in this parish church, it is likely the family still lived there though in a new or rebuilt house.