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Bogi, Marchino di Marchione di Bogo (detto Marchino) a


Despite his connection to the Medici court, Marchino was dismissed by Stefano Rosselli as a man of low status "uomo di bassa condizione," and thus said little about the altar he established at his parish church of San Felice in Piazza.

Alternate Forenames

  • Marco
Birth Family Bogi
Gender male
Age at Death 62
Database ID 14196

Life Dates

May 22nd, 1577 b

Employments (1 total)

circa 1616 (date is approximate) to 1639

Memorials (1 total)

S. Felice in Piazza 12.2 altare moderno de Marchino Bogo
circa 1620s (date is approximate)

Locations (1 total)

S. Felice in Piazza, Ferza, S. Spirito, Florence
May 22nd, 1577 to 1639


  • [a] For more on Marchino see Enrica Boldrini, Uno stemma come indizio: i Bosi a Legnaia fra XVII e XIX secolo. Signa: Masso delle Fate edizioni, 2012 and Giampolo Trotta, “Sant’Angelo a Legnaia: Fede, arte e storia.” Accessed May 1, 2024. https://www.santangeloalegnaia.it/file/sant_angelo_a_legnaia_storia.pdf, section 5.3 "La 'saga' de Bosi nel Seicento," pp. 68-71.
  • [b] Giampaolo Trotta found a baptismal record for "Marco di Marchione va a spasso et di Maddalena" born to the parish of San Felice, which he identifies with hesitation as Marchino. Given the similarity of patronym and parish, it seems safe to conclude that Marchino was indeed born and baptized in May 1577.
  • [c] Marchino was a member of the Medici court, serving as steward to several Medici family members.