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Gaddi, Zanobi di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi


Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi was a merchant and is known through correspondence with the so-called Merchant of Prato, Marco Datini, for whom he worked in Venice.

Birth Family Gaddi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14374

Life Dates


Employments (1 total)

mercante (merchant, generically, mercator)

Posts (1 total)

Office Government Date
Major Guild
February 1397 to May 1397 a

Memorials (1 total)

S. Remigio 02 Cappella degli'Aldighieri, poi Gaddi
before 1400

Sources (6 total)


  • [a] Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi was drawn for guild consul on January 28th, 1397. The succeeding cohort were selected on April 12th.
  • [b] The Aldighieri chapel in San Remigio passed to the Gaddi family through Caterina di Donato Aldighieri, wife of Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi (d. 1400). He and his wife were likely responsible for mounting the impaled Gaddi-Aldighieri arms that still adorn the chapel.
  • [c] "GADDI, Angelo" by Vanna Arrighi in www.treccani.it/biografico