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S. Remigio 02 Cappella degli'Aldighieri, poi Gaddi a

Alternate Names

  • Aldighieri Chapel
  • Gaddi-Aldighieri Chapel
  • Gaddi Chapel
Rosselli Number 2.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
  • cross
Database ID 579


circa 1267 (date is approximate) to circa 1292 (date is approximate)
1591 b
1838 c

Inscriptions (1 total)

2305 De Aldigheriis Of the Aldighieri family

Individuals (10 total)

Aldighieri, Gherardo (ser) di Aldighieri (di San Remigio)
circa 1292 (date is approximate)
Aldighieri, Aldighieri di S. Gherardo di Aldighieri
circa 1328 (date is approximate)
Aldighieri, Ricco di S. Gherardo di Aldighieri
circa 1328 (date is approximate)
Aldighieri, Donato (messer) di Ricco di S. Gherardo di Aldighieri
circa 1360 (date is approximate)
Aldighieri, Caterina di Donato di Ricco di S. Gherardo di Aldighiero (uxor Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi)
Aldighieri, Caterina di Donato di Ricco di S. Gherardo di Aldighiero (uxor Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi)
before 1400
Gaddi, Zanobi di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi
before 1400
Gaddi, Agnolo di Zanobi di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi
Gaddi, Luigi di Zanobi di Taddeo di Gaddo
Gaddi, Taddeo di Zanobi di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi

Groups (2 total)

circa 1292 (date is approximate) to present
1400 to present

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Remigio 01a Cappella Maggiore de Bagnesi
S. Remigio 04.1 Altare de Bellacci:


  • [a] Like the high altar chapel, the Aldighieri-Gaddi chapel has been significantly altered over the centuries. Evidence of Aldighieri patronage is still visible in several coats of arms adorning the entrance arch. The Gaddi family, who inherited the chapel through marriage when the Aldighieri male line died out, commissioned an impaled coat of arms showing their marriage alliance to adorn the south pier. Current chapel decoration includes an Immaculate Conception by Jacopo da Empoli (not visible), paid for by a 1591 bequest by Niccolò Gaddi, and two detached murals representing The Prayer on the Mount of Olives (left) and the Resurrection of Christ (right). Niccolò Gaddi's testament was drawn up by ser Andrea Andreini in 1591, which, according to Giuseppe Richa, stipulated that 100 florins be spent on the altarpiece, whose iconography should reference Dante's Paradiso 23.115-126. The marble altar dates to the 1821 renovation that replaced the church floor.
  • [b] Niccolò Gaddi left 100 florins in his 1591 testament to commission a new altarpiece for his family's chapel. He specifically asked that its iconography be based on Dante's Paradiso. While some have attributed his motivation to the chapel's former patronage under his Aldighieri ancestors, these Aldighieri, also known as the Aldighieri di ser Gherardo, are not that of the poet's family, as attested by the many Aldighieri di ser Gherardo coats of arms in the chapel, which display a silver shield with a blue-framed cross whose arms end in fleur-de-lis.
  • [c] In 1838, rector Domenico Cozzi redecorated the Aldighieri-Gaddi chapel, which included a new marble altar and neo-Gothic decorations.
  • [d] According to the Ufficio Nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici CEI database, Ser Gherardo di Pepo Aldighieri was responsible for building the church. However, it was surely the notary ser Gherardo, the son of Aldighieri, who was responsible for its installation.
  • [e] The chapel passed through Ricco to his granddaughter Caterina, through whom it passed to the Gaddi family.
  • [f] The last known reference to Donato's father Ricco dates to 1359 when he was not seated in the Sixteen for being out of Florence for some time prior to the drawing on December 29th, 1359.
  • [g] The Aldighieri chapel in San Remigio passed to the Gaddi family through Caterina di Donato Aldighieri, wife of Zanobi di Taddeo Gaddi (d. 1400). He and his wife were likely responsible for mounting the impaled Gaddi-Aldighieri arms that still adorn the chapel.