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Ducci, Francesco di Girolamo di Taddeo di Romolo di Lorenzo

Birth Family Ducci
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14764

Life Dates

1571 a

Memorials (3 total)

Carmine di Pisa 3 Taddeo di Girolamo Ducci 1586
S. Lorenzo 072 Taddeo Ducci 1490
circa 1570 (date is approximate)
S. Marco 082 Girolamo di Taddeo Ducci
circa 1570 (date is approximate)

Sources (1 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Pucci vol. 596, ins. 25 (Ducci), fol. 1, 2. 4


  • [a] According to the Carte Pucci, Francesco married Isabella di Francesco di Chimenti. Their son Giovanni Battista, known as Giovanni, was born in 1577.
  • [b] Carte Pucci family trees do not show either wife or children for Francesco's brother Taddeo, suggesting he may have been the one to execute his wishes with the installation of a tomb in the Carmine of Pisa.