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Adimari, Antonio di Boccaccio di Alamanno

Birth Family Adimari
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14895

Life Dates

October 19th, 1388 (year is approximate)

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cloister 068 the heirs of messer Francesco Adimari
October 19th, 1388

Sources (2 total)

AOSC, Filza Grazzini, 219, Sepolture ins. 1 (1388 October 19)
ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Pucci vol. 592/1, ins. 4 (Adimari), fol. E


  • [a] Antonio di Boccaccio di Alamanno Adimari is recorded in the Grascia Libri dei Morti as buried in Santa Croce on October 19th, 1388.