
da Bisticci, Filippo di Lionardo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco

Birth Family da Bisticci
Gender male
Age at Death 8
Database ID 15022

Life Dates

1483, 1490 or a year in between a
June 9th, 1491 b

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce 274.1 Jacopo di Lionardo da Bisticci e discendenti
June 9th, 1491

Sources (2 total)


  • [a] Filippo was the second child of Lionardo di Pippo and his wife Maria. Neither child was named in their 1480 catasto declaration, suggesting a birth year of 1481 or later for his brother Jacopo and thus a birth year of no earlier than late 1482 for Filippo.
  • [b] Giuseppe Cagni cites Filippo's burial record in the Morti della Grascia on this date.