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S. Croce 274.1 Jacopo di Lionardo da Bisticci e discendenti

Alternate Names

  • The Tomb of Jacopo di Lionardo da Bisticci
  • The tomb of Jacopo di Lionardo da Bisticci, later the Laudesi
Rosselli Number 274.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation W
Length 339.0
Width 155.0
Documented Types
  • lastrone
  • sepoltura
  • lapida
  • chiusino
Component Parts
  • slab
  • relief sculpture
  • cover
Decorative Elements
  • effigy
  • textile-derived motif
Database ID 13017


1469 to 1473 a
1539 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

1783 •D• •S• / IACOBO•BISTICIO•MEDICO•CELE / BERIMO•CIVITATI•SVAE•ACCEP T / IS•PIENTIS•FI•PAR•DE SE•OPT•MER To God the Savior. For Jacopo da Bisticci, the most famous doctor of his city, with his estate a most pious son made this for his father most deservedly.

Individuals (9 total)

Balducci da Carmignano, Mattea (donna) di Piero di Donato (uxor Pippo di Lionardo da Bisticci) c
August 14th, 1467
da Bisticci, Jacopo (magister) di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
August 14th, 1468
da Bisticci, Lorenzo (magister) di Mag. Jacopo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
September 1468 (year is approximate) to circa 1469 (date is approximate)
da Bisticci, Jacopo (magister) di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
circa 1469 (date is approximate) to present
da Bisticci, Lorenzo (magister) di Mag. Jacopo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
September 3rd, 1478
da Bisticci, Lionardo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
April 20th, 1489
da Bisticci, Filippo di Lionardo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
June 9th, 1491
da Bisticci, Vespasiano di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
July 27th, 1498
da Bisticci, Jacopo di Lionardo di Pippo di Lionardo di Francesco
after July 27th, 1498

Groups (2 total)

da Bisticci
circa 1468 (date is approximate) to 1539
Compagnia di Santa Maria delle Laudi
1539 to 1785

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce 274.2 Compagnia di Santa Maria delle Laudi:


  • [a] Jacopo da Bisticci died on August 14th, 1468 after writing his will on July 3rd of that year that stipulated a tomb be installed in the church of Santa Croce. The sculpted slab has been attributed on stylistic grounds to Domenico Rosselli during the years he was working with the sculptor Antonio Rossellino and dated prior to his departure from Florence in 1472/73.
  • [b] The tomb was conceded to the Laudesi confraternity, which added an inscription dated 1539, and a new border surrounding the entire monument.
  • [c] Gravediggers record monna Mattea's burial in Santa Croce, but it is not clear whether the family yet owned the grave that would come to cover her son's tomb.
  • [d] His uncles Lionardo and Vespasiano were the executors of his father's will, but the inscription notes that magister Jacopo's son installed the tomb.
  • [e] Jacopo di Lionardo da Bisticci was the only heir of his uncle Vespasiano, who was buried in the family tomb on July 27th, 1498. It is not presently known where Jacopo was buried nor when he died, but it was certainly after 1511 when he is known to have sold some family property. See Cagni, p. 45.