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Ceffini, Girolamo


Mauro di Salvestro di Lodovico Ceffini was heir to two tombs in Santa Croce, one in the cemetery honoring his great-grandfather Lippo di Ceffini Ceffini and the other in the cloister honoring his uncle Lippo di Lodovico Ceffini. Mauro had at least three descendants named Girolamo, one of whom acquired a burial spot inside the church in 1562. It may have been Mauro's grandson Girolamo di Giovanni Battista di Mauro Ceffini, who was born on October 2, 1512, or Mauro's great-grandson Girolamo di Zanobi di Giuliano di Mauro Ceffini, or his great-great-grandson Girolamo di Francesco di Pier Maria di Bernardo di Mauro Ceffini.

Birth Family Ceffini
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 1832

Life Dates


Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce 264.2 chiusino di Girolamo Ceffini
April 23rd, 1562