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Nori, Antonio di Tommaso

Alternate Forenames

  • or Neri
Birth Family Nori
Gender male
Age at Death 51
Database ID 1890

Life Dates

circa 1391
May 1st, 1439, April 27th, 1442 or a day in between

Posts (1 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1439 to April 30th, 1439 a

Memorials (3 total)

S. Croce 044 monumento Antonio Nori
circa 1472 (date is approximate) to present
S. Croce 044 monumento Antonio Nori
before 1439
S. Croce 044 monumento Antonio Nori
May 1st, 1439, April 27th, 1442 or a day in between

Locations (1 total)

Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence


  • [a] elected February 26th, 1439 for S. Croce quarter from 1434 purse
  • [b] The Online Catasto mistakenly transcribed Antonio's surname as Neri. The declaration clearly reads Nori.
  • [c] The Online Tratte mistakenly transcribed Antonio's surname as Neri.