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Caccini Ricoveri, Francesco di Domenico di Matteo

Birth Family Caccini
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2050

Life Dates

November 18th, 1414

Posts (5 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1445 to April 30th, 1445
Tre Maggiori
September 15th, 1446 to December 14th, 1446
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1451 to December 31st, 1451
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1453 to January 6th, 1454
Tre Maggiori
September 1st, 1457 to October 31st, 1457

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cemetery 068 Ricovero di Caccino
by 1439

Related Individuals (1 total)

Extended Family (1 total)

Locations (1 total)

Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence

Sources (2 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 vol. 72, fol. 117v-118
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 406811, 117100, 40510, 117106, 301686, 201783