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Ceffini, Lippo di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo di M. Lippo

Birth Family Ceffini
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2212

Life Dates

1308 to 1325
1320 a
February 20th, 1325 b

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 178 Nanni and Lippo di Ceffino and sons
circa 1300 (date is approximate) to present
S. Croce cemetery 178 Nanni and Lippo di Ceffino and sons
after February 20th, 1325 c

Locations (2 total)

S. Michele Visdomini, Vaio, Porta S. Piero, Florence
June 8th, 1308
S. Simone, Bue, S. Croce, Florence
1316 to 1324

Sources (4 total)


  • [a] According to the Carte Pucci, Lippo married Lapa di Puccio di Niccolino Sirigatti in 1320.
  • [b] Ser Michele Boschi, who also had a tomb in the cemetery of Santa Croce, drew up Lippo's testament in February 1324 (o.s.), in which Lippo requested burial in his tomb in the cemetery of S. Croce.
  • [c] In his testament dated February 20th, 1324 (o.s.), Lippo requested burial in the church of Santa Croce, where he had established the cemetery tomb with his brother Nanni.
  • [d] Gamurrini cites a document in the protocols of ser Giovanni di Bonaventura that mentions Lippo di Ceffino as resident in this parish.
  • [e] According to Gamurrini, Lippo and his brother were living in S. Simone by 1316, and Lippo's testament of 1324 indicates he was still living there.