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S. Croce cemetery 178 Nanni and Lippo di Ceffino and sons

Alternate Names

  • S. Croce cemetery 178 Nanni and Lippo Ceffini
  • S. Croce cemetery 200 Neri and Lippo Ceffini
Rosselli Number 178.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository moved
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
  • arme
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
  • dog
Database ID 11563


late 13th or early 14th century

Inscriptions (1 total)

The tomb of Nanni and Lippo di Ceffino and of their sons

Individuals (12 total)

Ceffini, Lippo di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo di M. Lippo
circa 1300 (date is approximate) to present
Ceffini, Nanni di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo di M. Lippo
circa 1300 (date is approximate) to present
Ceffini, Lippo di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo di M. Lippo
after February 20th, 1325 a
Ceffini, Lippo di Nanni di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo
before 1348
Ceffini, Matteo di Nanni di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffino
before 1348
Ceffini, Francesco di Nanni di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo
circa 1348 (date is approximate)
Ceffini, Lodovico di Lippo di Ceffino di Mauretto di Ceffo
between January 7th, 1383 and February 26th, 1384
Ceffini, Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo di Ceffino di Mauretto
between July 1st, 1423 and August 27th, 1424
Ceffini, Giuliano di Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo di Ceffino
by August 28th, 1424 g
Ceffini, Mauro di Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo di Ceffino
by August 28th, 1424
Ceffini, Salvestro di Giuliano di Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo
after May 6th, 1448 i
Ceffini, Salvestro di Giuliano di Mauro di Salvestro di Lodovico
before 1596

Groups (1 total)

circa 1300 (date is approximate) to present

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 177 ser Segna da Rignana
S. Croce cemetery 179 Bonavia di Bosco da Pisignano:


  • [a] In his testament dated February 20th, 1324 (o.s.), Lippo requested burial in the church of Santa Croce, where he had established the cemetery tomb with his brother Nanni.
  • [b] Lippo's father and uncle identified their tomb as for themselves (by name) and for their children.
  • [c] Matteo is one of the sons referenced on the tomb of his father and uncle.
  • [d] The tomb was dedicated to his father, uncle, siblings, and first cousins.
  • [e] The tomb was dedicated to the sons of Lippo and Nanni di Ceffino, one of whom was Lodovico. His heirs would inherit the tomb as noted in the sepoltuari.
  • [f] Salvestro's sons Giuliano and Mauro inherited the cemetery tomb as noted in the 1439 sepoltuario. Tratte records confirm that he died between July 1st, 1423 and August 27th, 1424.
  • [g] According to Tratte records, Giuliano's father Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo died between July 1st, 1423 and August 27th, 1424.
  • [h] Mauro and his brother Giuliano are named in the 1439 sepoltuario as heirs to the Ceffini cemetery tomb. According to Tratte records, Mauro's father Salvestro di Lodovico di Lippo died between July 1st, 1423 and August 27th, 1424.
  • [i] Salvestro's father Giuliano served the Sixteen in the first term of 1448.