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Morelli, Bartolomeo di Giano di Giovanni di Bartolomeo di Morello a

Alternate Forenames

  • Bartolommeo
Birth Family Morelli
Gender male
Age at Death 48
Database ID 6964

Life Dates

August 12th, 1386 b
February 2nd, 1435
early 1435

Posts (2 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
September 1st, 1431 to October 31st, 1431 c

Memorials (1 total)

S. Jacopo tra Fossi 15 Morelli
circa 1435 (date is approximate)

Extended Family (35 total)

Parents in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Second cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte della Lana
January 1st, 1393 to February 2nd, 1435 (year is approximate)

Locations (1 total)

Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence
August 12th, 1386 to circa 1435 (date is approximate)

Sources (5 total)


  • [a] Bartolommeo's father was Giuliano detto Giano Morelli
  • [b] Bartolomeo's birth as reported in tratte 1429
  • [c] Bartolomeo was elected on August 28th, 1431 from combined 1393/1398 purse to represent the quarter of S. Croce
  • [d] According to Ildefonso di San Luigi in his notes on the Croniche by Giovanni di Jacopo and Lionardo di Lorenzo Morelli, Bartolomeo di Giano left funds for a family chapel in S. Jacopo in his testament of February 1435.
  • [e] catasto declared as Bartolomeo di Giano Morelgli e fratelli