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Acciaiuoli, Adouardo di Adouardo di Mannino di Guidalotto di Acciaiolo

Alternate Forenames

  • Odoardo
Birth Family Acciaiuoli
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 7832

Life Dates


Extended Family (46 total)

Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Great great nieces and nephews
First cousins
Second cousins
Third cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Sources (2 total)

Litta, Famiglie Celebre Italiane Acciaioli di Firenze, tav. IV
ASF, Manoscritti, 519, Carte Mariani Dei ins. I, ins. 2, fols. 1, 4