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Tazzi, Andrea di Bindo di Tazzo (Gerzoni da Mosciano)


Andrea typically only used a patronym and sometimes avonym. His tomb inscription uses an older family name, Gerzoni da Mosciano, which was replaced by Tazzi, the name is used in the Priorista Mariani and the Ceramelli Papiani archive. Tratte records indicate that he was a member and leader of the belt-makers guild, but he also worked as an assayer, evaluating the quality of gold.

Birth Family Tazzi
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 9845

Life Dates

January 1st, 1408, January 2nd, 1409 or a day in between a

Employments (2 total)

1397 to 1407
Correggiaio (belt-maker)

Posts (5 total)

Office Government Date
Minor Guild
May 1st, 1398 to August 31st, 1398 b
Minor Guild
May 1st, 1400 to August 31st, 1400 c
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1402 to April 30th, 1402 d
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1404 to April 30th, 1404 e
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1407 to December 31st, 1407 f

Memorials (1 total)

S. Spirito corticina 341 Andrea da Mosciano

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Correggiai
circa 1368 (date is approximate) to circa 1407 (date is approximate)

Locations (1 total)

Drago S. Spirito, S. Spirito, Florence death

Sources (3 total)

ASF, Manoscritti, 253, Priorista Mariani VI fol. 1294
ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 55
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 4094, 4096, 4095, 4097, 113138, 301166, 4099, 4098, 4100, 4101, 4103, 4102


  • [a] Andrea completed his term as prior in 1407 and was dead when drawn for the Sixteen on January 3, 1409.
  • [b] Elected guild consul as Andrea di Bindo on April 21, 1398.
  • [c] On April 12, 1400 elected consul of the belt makers guild but noted as an assayer (saggiator).
  • [d] Elected December 10, 1401 with appellation "coreggiarius" (belt maker)
  • [e] Elected December 14, 1403. Online Tratte suggests Tazzi was being used as a surname rather than avonym (grandfather's name).
  • [f] Elected October 29th, 1407 as Andreas Bindi Assagiator for S. Spirito, Drago