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S. Croce crypt 022 ser Dino di Manetto

Rosselli Number 22.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository Museo Stibbert
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation unk
Decorative Elements
Database ID 10370


circa 1298 (date is approximate)

Inscriptions (1 total)

232 +•Ꞩ•Ꞩ DInI• / MANETTI•nÕT• / ET•FRATRUM• / ET •FILIO4• The tomb of ser Dino di Manetto notary and of his brothers and sons

Individuals (2 total)

Manetti, Dino (ser) di Manetto
circa 1298 (date is approximate) to circa 1800s (date is approximate)
di Manetto, Manetto (ser) di Manetto
after July 24th, 1348

Groups (1 total)

circa 1298 (date is approximate) to circa 1800s (date is approximate) b


  • [a] Ser Manetto's brother set up a tomb in the crypt of Santa Croce for himself, his brothers, and his children. Thus, it seems likely that ser Manetto took advantage of this family tomb.
  • [b] The tomb's marker is still extant and installed on the exterior wall of the Museo Stibbert.