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S. Apollinare 06b tomb of Bartolomeo di Tello

Rosselli Number 6.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation W
Documented Types
  • monumento
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
Database ID 10673


before 1416 a

Inscriptions (1 total)

493 S. Bartholomei Telli et filiorum The tomb of Bartolomeo di Tello and of his sons

Individuals (4 total)

Telli, Filippo di Tello
circa 1398 (date is approximate)
Telli, Bartolomeo di Tello
circa 1390 (date is approximate) to 1737
Telli, Bartolomeo di Tello
August 25th, 1416 (day is uncertain)
Telli, Bartolommeo (ultimo)
before 1606 b

Groups (2 total)

circa 1390 (date is approximate) to 1737
Università dei Maestri di Cuoiame
circa 1584 (date is approximate) to 1737

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. Apollinare 06a Cappella de Telli


  • [a] Given that the tomb's inscription carried no date, it must have been in place prior to Bartolomeo di Tello's death on or just before August 25th, 1416.
  • [b] Bartolommeo was the last male in his family line, and he left rights to his family altar and tomb to his guild, whose arms were present on the altar in 1606.
  • [c] The last Telli male, another Bartolommeo, left rights to the family chapel and tomb to his guild.