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S. Croce 192 Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino Sirigatti

Rosselli Number 192.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation E
Length 2.74
Width 1.4
Documented Types
  • lapida
  • chiusino
  • lastrone
Component Parts
  • slab
  • cover
Decorative Elements
Database ID 11042


July 12th, 1354 or 1381 a
circa 1382 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

777 + hic•iacet•copus•pudeti / s•viri•iohais•lapi•nicholini•desirigattis•honorabilis•civis•cui• / bona•fama•ememori / a•vivat•ippetuu•caia•reqeschat•ipacie•obiit mccclxxxi die•xii•iulii Here lies the body of the wise man Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino from the Sirigatti family, an honorable citizen whose good reputation and memory shall live in perpetuity, whose soul rests in peace. He died in 1381 on the twelfth day of July.

Individuals (8 total)

Niccolini Sirigatti, Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza di Arrigo
July 12th, 1381
Niccolini Sirigatti, Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza di Arrigo
circa 1382 to present
Niccolini Sirigatti, Niccolaio di Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza
August 2nd, 1383
da Mezzola, Ermellina di M. Zanobi di Giovanni di Cione (uxor Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini)
February 29th, 1400
Niccolini Sirigatti, Filippo di Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza
September 8th, 1429
Niccolini Sirigatti, Lapo di Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza
December 27th, 1430
Arzarghi di Milano, Caterina di Biagio di Giovanni (uxor Antonio Gianfigliazzi, poi Lapo Niccolini)
February 27th, 1451
Niccolini Sirigatti, Biagio (messer) di Lapo di Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino
May 1467

Groups (1 total)

Niccolini Sirigatti


  • [a] The inlaid inscription on Giovanni di Lapo's tomb is difficult to read, resulting in a variety of transcriptions in the sepoltuari and secondary literature. While it notes the month and day of the honoree's death, the year is off by twenty-seven years, seeming to read MCCCLIIII instead of MCCCLXXXI. However, comparison to the peculiar X in the number twelve, where two dots frame a vertical line, suggests that the faint traces of similar marks in the year should be read as XXXI rather than IIII.
  • [b] Since it carries the death date of the honoree, the tomb must have been installed after his death on July 12th, 1381 but before August 2nd, 1383 when his son Niccolaio was buried in the tomb.
  • [c] Chiti notes that Niccolò left a pietanza to the friars of Santa Croce for ten years and that he was buried in his father's tomb.
  • [d] Filippo's nephew Paolo di Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini recorded his death and burial in his Ricordanze kept in the Niccolini Archive, Registri Antichi, vol. 4, fol. 120.
  • [e] Caterina's son Paolo di Lapo described her death and burial in the Niccolini tomb that bore his grandfather's name and family coat of arms. Archivio Niccolini, Registri antichi, 4, fol. 133v.
  • [f] Messer Biagio's brother Paolo described his death but did not specify where he was buried. He does state several times that the tomb of Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini in the transept of Santa Croce was for the use of his direct line. We no longer believe that the tomb in the cemetery of the Badia of Florence was dedicated to messer Biagio as suggested in Anne Leader, The Badia of Florence: Art and Observance in a Renaissance Monastery. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012, pp. 69-70, but rather to his great-great uncle Biagio di Niccolino. Gravedigger records could clarify the specific date and location of messer Biagio's burial.