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Ospedale degli Innocenti 8.5 Lapo Pacini 1444

Rosselli Number 8.5
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • lastrone
Component Parts
  • slab
Database ID 11198


January 11th, 1444

Inscriptions (1 total)

1814 S•diLapo diPiero Pacini / d acastelo•florentino•citadino emerchatanteflorentino hefu / ilprimo • conmeso e cam / arlingo diquestoispedalea di XI • di genaio • m•cccc•xliiii The tomb of Lapo di Piero Pacini from Castelfiorentino, Florentine citizen and merchant who was the first oblate and treasurer of this hospital on the 11th of January 1444 (o.s.)

Individuals (4 total)

Pacini da Castelfiorentino, Lapo di Piero di Pacino di Lapo
Pacini da Castelfiorentino, Lapo di Piero di Pacino di Lapo
October 24th, 1452
Doffi, Dianora di Bernardo di S. Lodovico (uxor Lapo di Pacino Pacini)
February 28th, 1463
Albizzi, Gostanza (mona) di Landozzo
December 28th, 1551

Groups (1 total)

Pacini da Castelfiorentino
January 11th, 1445 to 1786


  • [a] named on tombstone
  • [b] she died in the hospital ten years after her husband, so presumably she was buried with him in his tomb
  • [c] she and her predecessor prioress buried side by side in Pacini's tomb as documented in AOIF, 5391, fol. 172v