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S. Croce 113 archa di M. Amerigo Cavalcanti

Rosselli Number 113.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation wall
Secondary Installation with floor component(s)
Tomb Form wall tomb
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • marble
Database ID 11209

Individuals (6 total)

Cavalcanti, Amerigo (messer) di M. Giachinotto di M. Uberto di M. Pazzo
by 1396
Cavalcanti, Giovanni di M. Amerigo di Giachinotto di M. Uberto di Pazzo
circa 1396 (date is approximate)
Cavalcanti, Amerigo (messer) di M. Giachinotto di M. Uberto di M. Pazzo
circa 1300s (date is approximate) to July 1566 (year is approximate)
Cavalcanti, Amerigo di Giovanni di M. Amerigo di Giachinotto di M. Uberto
circa 1440 (date is approximate)
Cavalcanti, Giannozzo di Giovanni di M. Amerigo di Giachinotto di M. Uberto
Cavalcanti, Niccolò di Giovanni di M. Amerigo di Giachinotto di M. Uberto

Groups (1 total)

Maybe 1360s (date is uncertain) to July 1566 (year is approximate) b

Related Memorials (1 total)


  • [a] Giovanni's son Amerigo was noted in later sepoltuari as the owner of the tomb, indicating it would have first passed to him.
  • [b] Only the 1439 Santa Croce sepoltuario and its copies mention Messer Amerigo's wall tomb, suggesting that it was removed when the tramezzo and choir were taken down in 1566.

    For the dismantling of the tramezzo see Marcia B. Hall, “The ‘Tramezzo’ in S. Croce, Florence and Domenico Veneziano’s Fresco.” The Burlington Magazine 112, no. 813 (1970): 799.