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S. Maria Novella 53 Jacopo di Francesco di Ventura merchant

Rosselli Number 53.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation frn
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • monumento
  • lastrone
  • lapida
  • chiusino
Component Parts
  • slab
  • cover
Decorative Elements
  • marble
Database ID 11884

Inscriptions (1 total)

981 S. Jacobi Francisci Venturae mercatoris, et suorum

Individuals (9 total)

Venturi, Jacopo di Francesco di Ventura di Jacopo di Bonaiuto (detto Lapo)
circa 1390s (date is approximate) to circa 1864 (date is approximate)
Venturi, Francesco di Jacopo di Francesco di Ventura di Jacopo
June 1st, 1402
Venturi, Jacopo di Francesco di Ventura di Jacopo di Bonaiuto (detto Lapo)
June 2nd, 1402
Venturi, Bernardo di Jacopo di Francesco di Ventura di Jacopo
March 13th, 1451 (day is uncertain)
Venturi, Lionardo di Neri di Jacopo di Lapo di Francesco
January 4th, 1540
Venturi, Giovanbattista di Pietro di Neri di Jacopo di Jacopo (detto Battista)
April 5th, 1575
Venturi, Francesco di Lionardo di Neri di Jacopo di Lapo
December 29th, 1578
Bardi, Francesca di Pierfrancesco di Piero (uxor Batista di Piero Venturi)
November 13th, 1593
del Benino, Dianora di Stefano (uxor Francesco di Lionardo Venturi)
January 1st, 1600

Groups (1 total)



  • [a] A tree in the Carte Mariani Dei indicates that Lionardo was buried in Santa Maria Novella.
  • [b] A family tree in the Carte Mariani Dei indicate that Batista Venturi was buried in Santa Maria Novella in 1575 as was his wife Francesca di Pierfrancesco di Piero Bardi in 1593, presumably in the Venturi family tomb established by his great-grandfather Jacop di Lapo di Francesco Venturi. However, the Bardi also had a tomb in their transept chapel, which, though unlikely, may have been an option for Battista. His testament, if it still exists, would clarify his burial choice.
  • [c] A Venturi family tree in the Carte Mariani Dei indicates that Francesco was buried in Santa Maria Novella.
  • [d] Francesca Bardi Venturi was certainly buried in the church of Santa Maria Novella as indicated in a Venturi family tree in the Carte Mariani Dei. While she most likely was buried in her husband's family tomb, she may have opted to return to her birth family in their tomb in the transept chapel. If her testament survives, it would clarify her burial choice.
  • [e] A Venturi family tree in the Carte Mariani Dei indicates that Dianora was buried in Santa Maria Novella, presumably with her husband.