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S. Remigio 41 lastrone de Fazi

Rosselli Number 41.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • lastrone
  • tassello
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
  • macigno
  • marble
Database ID 13215


circa 1320 (date is approximate) a
1570 b
1820 c

Inscriptions (1 total)

2470 De Fazi Of the Fazzi family

Groups (1 total)


Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Remigio 40.1 coro vecchio
S. Remigio 40.2 Carucci e Fazzi memorial plaque d
1570 to circa 1820 (date is approximate)
S. Remigio 43 lastrone della Compagnia:


  • [a] The tomb slab for the Fazzi family and their heirs (including the Carucci) was likely installed at the same time as the choir they sponsored.
  • [b] Though the Fazzi-Carucci-sponsored choir and tramezzo were torn down in 1570, their tomb remained in place in the nave between or just to one side of the eastern piers. The marble tassello described by Rosselli as at the foot of said tomb slab, which carried the Fazzi arms and name, was most likely originally attached to the choir wall. As stated in the commemorative plaque noting the destruction of the choir, family consent was given with the restitution of the family arms in the ground. What had once adorned the choir wall became part of the floor decoration at the bottom edge of their ancient family tomb "lastrone di macigno antico." Both stones were removed in 1820.
  • [c] The church of San Remigio was repaved between 1820 and 1821. Memorial stones that were not moved to the cloister were likely destroyed, though they may be in a museum or private collection awaiting identification.
  • [d] Both monuments were in the floor with the plaque remembering the choir between the piers and the Fazi tomb on its western side.