Rosselli Number | 99.0 |
Memorial Type | sacristy |
Status | extant |
Current Repository | in situ |
Primary Installation | na |
Secondary Installation | na |
Tomb Form | na |
Liturgical Orientation | frn |
Documented Types |
Component Parts |
Decorative Elements | |
Database ID | 189 |
866 | Anno Dni MCCCCXXI.
Hanc Cappella Sanctis Honofri et Nicolao dedicatam, testamento clariss viri Honofrij Palle Dni Jacobi de Strozzis Mag Eques Pallas eius filius pficiendam curavit et pro celebratione quotidianar Missarum, et dd. Sanctorum festo solemniter celebrado, duobus millibus floren Montis comunis dotavit. Ita ut nemo preter descendentes eoru in ea sepelliri possit. |
In the year of our Lord 1421
By the testament of the most illustrious man Onofrio di Palla di M. Jacopo de' Strozzi, his son the great knight Palla took care to complete this chapel dedicated to Saints Onofrius and Nicholas and he endowed with two thousand florins of the Communal Debt for the celebration of daily Masses and to celebrate solemnly the feast of the said saints. Thus no one besides their descendants is able to be buried in it. |