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S. Gaetano sepultura Vincenzo Baldovinetti 1652

Rosselli Number 0.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • lastrone
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
Database ID 30018

Inscriptions (1 total)

2080 D O M / VINCENTIVS BALDOVINETTVS / DI POGGIO / IACOBI FILIVS / APUD CL. REG. CONDITORIVM HOC / ADUCH VIVENS PARAVIT / SIBI INSTITVTO ET SVB STITUTIS / IN AVVNCVLA PRIMO GENITVRA / NEC NON DESCENDENTIBVS / EX SVA LINEA BALDOVINETTA / QVIBVS LIBVERIT HIC CONQVIESCERE / NE MORS SEPARET / QVOS CONIUNXIT CHARITAS / DEPRECANS IN NOVISSIMO / SIMVL CVM ILLIS CORONARI / ANNO DÑI MDCLII To the best and greatest God. Vincenzo Baldovinetti di Poggio, son of Jacopo, at the house the Clerics Regular, still living, prepared this tomb for himself by having been established and substituted in accordance with his firstborn maternal aunt and also for the descentands out of his Baldovinetti line for whom it is pleasing to rest here lest death separate whomever the love of God connected in praying by the most recent likewise with those to be crowned in the year of our lord 1652

Individuals (1 total)

Baldovinetti, Vincenzo di Iacopo di Iacopo di Francesco di Piero (di Poggio)

Groups (1 total)
