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S. Spirito cloister 153 Castellino

Rosselli Number 153.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Tomb Form frn
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • monumento
Decorative Elements
Database ID 30237

Inscriptions (1 total)

1919 S. Castellino, et filij Magistri Francisci Rinuccj Medici et suorum The tomb of Castellino and of the son of Magister Francesco di Rinuccio doctor and of his own

Individuals (2 total)

no surname, Castellino
no surname, Francesco (magister) di Rinucci (medico)

Groups (1 total)

no surname used


  • [] There seems to be an error of transcription in Rosselli, an errant use of Italian for the first name and extraneous et between name and patronym.
  • [a] inscription
  • [b] inscription