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Carmine 047 Francesco Guardini da Colle

Rosselli Number 47.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form square
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • quadro
  • chiusino a
  • sepoltura
Component Parts
  • slab
  • cover
Decorative Elements
  • marble
Database ID 30489



Inscriptions (1 total)

2037 Franciscus Guardinius de Civitate Collis Causidicus, at stat .... Floren redemptionis sententia expectans, suis Depositum statuit, et sibi. Anno ab ortu Judicis MDLXXXXII Francesco Guardini from the city of Colle, barrister, but yet stands firm ... in Florence hoping for a sentence of redemption, established this grave for his own and for himself in the year from the birth of the Judge 1592

Individuals (1 total)

Guardini da Colle, Francesco (messer) di Piero
1592 to January 28th, 1771

Groups (1 total)

Guardini da Colle
1592 to January 28th, 1771

Related Memorials (1 total)


  • [a] ovato
  • [b] Landini is nave tomb 2; Guardini, tomb 3