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S. Martino a Gangalandi 7 Agnolo Pandolfini a

Rosselli Number 7.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository moved
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • lastrone
Component Parts
  • slab
  • relief sculpture
Decorative Elements
  • effigy
  • marble
Database ID 30898



Inscriptions (1 total)

2094 S. ANGELI PHILIPPI DE PANDOLFINIS ET DESCENDENTIUM AN. DNI. MCCCCXX. The tomb of Agnolo di Filippo de' Pandolfini and of his descendants in the year of our Lord 1420

Individuals (6 total)

Pandolfini, Agnolo (messer) di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo di S. Pandolfino
1420 to present
Pandolfini, Agnolo (messer) di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo di S. Pandolfino
January 1446
Pandolfini, Carlo (messer) di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo
Pandolfini, Carlo (messer) di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo
Giugni, Giovanna di Domenico di Domenico (detta Nanna, uxor M. Carlo d'Agnolo Pandolfini)
December 12th, 1472
Pandolfini, Giuliano di M. Carlo di Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni

Groups (1 total)

1420 to present


  • [a] The tomb slab has been worn smooth by foot traffic, and no trace of the inscription survives. The sources differ in their transcriptions. The copy of Stefano Rosselli kept at the Archivio di Stato di Firenze includes Agnolo's patronym, but abbreviates the date to an Arabic numeral. The first edition of the Trattato del governo della famiglia attributed to Agnolo omits the patronym but presents the date with the more traditional anno domini and Roman numeral. A later edition abbreviates sepulcrum as "SEP." instead of "S." as in the earlier sources. It is likely that each transcription is partly correct, as reflected in the transcription provided here.

    See ASF, Manoscritti, 625, p. 1510; Trattato del governo della famiglia d’Agnolo Pandolfini. Colla vita del medesimo scritta da Vespasiano da Bisticci. Florence: Stamperia di S.A.R. Tartini e Franchi, 1734, p. 11; and Agnolo Pandolfini, Del governo della famiglia. Florence: Pietro Fraticelli, 1857, p. 39.
  • [b] Given Giuliano's role as prior of S. Martino, he may have requested burial in his uncle's tomb, though given that he was not a direct descendant, he may instead have chosen his grandfather's tomb in the Badia.