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S. Maria in Verzaia 01 Cappella de Becchi

Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
  • b
  • tree
Database ID 31416


between 1581 and 1657 c

Groups (1 total)

from at least 1580 through at most 1656


  • [a] The chapel was described by Rosselli as on the righthand side, presumably the first upon entering the church, but possibly closer to the high altar.
  • [b] The chapel carried two versions of the Becchi family arms, identified in the Ceramelli Papiani archive, fasc. 488 as types 2 and 3. One showed an uprooted tree framed by two rampant lions. In the other the animals stand on a six-peaked mount.
  • [c] Rosselli used a sepoltuario dated 1580 to describe certain altars that were no longer visible in his day.