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S. Maria in Verzaia 05 tassello di Leonardo di Francesco and Domenico de Minugiai a

Rosselli Number 5.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • tassello
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
  • tree
  • marble
Database ID 31421

Inscriptions (1 total)

2126 Leonardi Francisci, et Dominici de Minugiai, et suorum [The tomb] of Leonardo of Francesco and of Domenico de Minugia and of their own

Individuals (2 total)

Minugiai, Domenico
from at least 1580 through at most 1785
Minugiai, Leonardo di Francesco
from at least 1580 through at most 1785

Groups (1 total)

from at least 1580 through at most 1785


  • [] Rosselli's use of commas in his transcription of the inscription suggests that the first pair of genitives refers to a name and patronymic: Leonardo son of Francesco (Leonardo di Francesco). However, the marker may have honored three men by the names of Leonardo, Francesco, and Domenico.
  • [a] This tomb was at the foot of an altar underneath the bell tower, which Rosselli describes as facing the door. It is difficult to determine whether the tomb was for a Leonardo di Francesco and a Domenico Minugiai or for three men, Leonardo, Francesco, and Domenico.