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S. Felice in Piazza 07b sepoltura Matteo Neroni

Situated In

S. Felice in Piazza
Rosselli Number 7.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form frn
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
  • scudo
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31551



Inscriptions (1 total)

2216 Mattheus Neronius Jacobi F. Floren. civis, Comes Palatinus, et auratę militię eques: Magni Ferdinando primi, et Cosmi Secūdo Cosmographus Sacellū Deo, et D. Aplo, et evāgelistę Mattheo, sepulcrū sibi, Martięq: Agrippę Romanę coniugi, ac suis vivens pos. Anno Dñi MDCXIX. Annō agens LXIIII. Matteo Neroni, son of Jacopo, Florentine citizen, knight Palatine, and knight of the Golden Spur. Cosmographer to the great Ferdinand I and Cosimo II, while living, he set up an altar to God and Saint Apostle and Evangelist Matthew, a tomb for himself and his wife Marzia Agrippa Roman, and also for his own. In the year of the Lord 1619, aged 64 years.

Individuals (7 total)

Neroni, Matteo di Jacopo di Matteo di Lorenzo di Lorenzo
Marta di Giorgio Agrippa (uxor Matteo di Jacopo Neroni)
1619 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)
Marta di Giorgio (uxor Matteo di Jacopo Neroni)
1619 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)
Neroni, Matteo di Jacopo di Matteo di Lorenzo di Lorenzo
1619 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)
Marta di Giorgio Agrippa (uxor Matteo di Jacopo Neroni)
February 27th, 1633
Marta di Giorgio (uxor Matteo di Jacopo Neroni)
February 27th, 1633
Neroni, Matteo di Jacopo di Matteo di Lorenzo di Lorenzo
April 10th, 1634 a

Groups (1 total)

1619 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. Felice in Piazza 07a Altare di San Matteo de Neroni
1619 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)


  • [a] Lamberini cites both the Medici Speziali and Grascia books of the dead for Matteo's date of death.