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S. Gio. dei Cavalieri 05a Cappella della natività di S. Giovanni Battista de Spadacci a

Alternate Names

  • Altare de Spadacci
Rosselli Number 5.0
Memorial Type altar
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • altare
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
  • canvas
Database ID 31751


January 13th, 1604 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

2300 BARTOLOMEU SPADACCIUS CHIRURGUS ARETINUS. DEO ET IOANI Bartolomeo Spadacci Aretine surgeon. For God and for (Saint) John.

Individuals (2 total)

Spadacci, Bartolomeo (magister) di Cristofano
before July 25th, 1603 c
Spadacci, Niccolò (reverendo) di Domenico di Cristofano

Groups (1 total)

January 13th, 1604 to present. d

Related Memorials (4 total)

S. Gio. dei Cavalieri 04 Altare de Pecori
S. Gio. dei Cavalieri 05b sepoltura di Bartolomeo Spadacci 1621:
S. Gio. dei Cavalieri 06 unidentified arms:
S. Gio. dei Cavalieri 07 Cappella de' Pecori:


  • [a] For more on the altarpiece commissioned by the Aretine surgeon Bartolomeo Spadacci from Santi di Tito and completed by his son Tiberio, see Julian Brooks, “Santi di Tito’s Studio: The Contents of His House and Workshop in 1603.” The Burlington Magazine 144, no. 1190 (2002): 284-285.
  • [b] According to a Libro dei Ricordi kept by the nuns of S. Giovannino de' Cavalieri, the chapel of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist was restored and endowed by Maestro Bartolomeo Spadacci, called "our surgeon," as remembered on 13 January 1603 (o.s.). He was required to rebuild the altar (erigere l'altare di nuovo). See Brooks, "Santi di Tito's Studio," 284.
  • [c] Santi di Tito, who died on July 25th, 1603 had begun designs for the altarpiece commissioned by Bartolomeo Spadacci. His son Tiberio completed the painting, and it seems to have been installed by mid January 1604.
  • [d] Though the original altar and tomb have disappeared, the Spadacci coat of arms and their chapel's altarpiece remain in the church.