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S. Croce 035 Giovanni di M. Lotto Salviati

Situated In

friary of S. Croce -- chiesa -- transetto -- braccio sinistro a
circa 1363 (date is approximate) to circa 1463 (date is approximate)
Rosselli Number 35.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
  • lapida
Component Parts
  • slab
  • marble
Database ID 31768


Maybe August 2nd, 1363 (date is uncertain) b

Individuals (1 total)

Salviati, Giovanni di M. Lotto di Mag. Salvi di S. Guglielmo di Forese
circa 1363 (date is approximate) to circa 1463 (date is approximate)

Groups (1 total)

circa 1363 (date is approximate) to circa 1463 (date is approximate)

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce 197 fossa M. Jacopo d'Alamanno Salviati
circa 1363 (date is approximate) to circa 1463 (date is approximate)
S. Croce 244 M. Francesco and Giovanni di M. Lotto Salviati:
August 2nd, 1463 (year is approximate)


  • [a] The tomb of Giovanni di M. Lotto Salviati was originally located in the north transept, described in the 1439 sepoltuario as having a large marble stone. It was later moved to the left aisle, where it remains in the pavement in front of the Guidacci altar.
  • [b] A copy of the 1596 sepoltuario records that the moved tomb of Giovanni di M. Lotto Salviati carried the date August 2nd, 1363 suggesting that the reused stone had been initially installed in the north transept on or near that date. It was certainly in the transept in 1439 and had been moved by 1596. Stefano Rosselli records that the inscription on the tomb in the aisle carried the date August 2nd, 1463, suggesting that the removal of the slab from the transept to the north aisle occurred while work was underway on the Salviati chapel in the north transept, founded in 1446/7 and completed in 1478.