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S. Felice in Piazza 06 Altare di San Felice de Ridolfi a

Situated In

S. Felice in Piazza
Rosselli Number 6.0
Memorial Type altar
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • altare
Component Parts
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
Database ID 56


circa 1620s (date is approximate)

Groups (1 total)

Ridolfi di Piazza

Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Felice in Piazza 05 Altare di San Piero Martire
circa 1590s (date is approximate) to circa 1620s (date is approximate) b
S. Felice in Piazza 08a Altare de Rossi da Pogna: c
circa 1300s (date is approximate) to 1619
S. Felice in Piazza 10a Altare antico with unidentified arms:
until 1619


  • [a] The Ridolfi altar was one of several extant in 1610 when Francesco della Foresta compiled his sepoltuario, but dismantled by the time of Rosselli's work in the 1650s. Rosselli described an arch where the altar had once stood that carried the version of the Ridolfi arms that carry a crown and martyrs palms in the upper right corner of the shield and a second, larger stone escutcheon with the older and simpler arms that only have a six-peaked mount crossed by a diagonal band (bend).
  • [b] In his 1610 sepoltuario, Francesco della Foresta describes both the San Felice (Ridolfi) and S. Pier Martire altars, indicating that the latter was installed, perhaps in place of an earlier altar, before the Ridolfi altar was taken down.
  • [c] It is not known when the Ridolfi and Rossi altars were installed along the left side of San Felice, but both altars were intact in 1610. Arms from each were installed in the left wall as a reminder of the former patrons.