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The second chapel to the left of the cappella maggiore in the north transept. TCI plan O.

Building S. Croce
Object Type
Space Type chapel
Status extant
Site indoors
Count of Memorials 1
Database ID 10008

Groups (1 total)

Benci honoree circa 1298 to 1926 c


  • [a] Santa Croce accounts (ASF, Conv. Soppr. 92, 297) record that Giovanni made an annual bequest of wine and bread for the celebration in October of the feast of St. Cecilia, a promise reiterated in testament of 1445. He was buried at foot of chapel in 1455.
  • [b] Gino inherited the chapel through his wife Maddalena d'Amerigo Benci. He did not tend to the chapel which led to litigation.
  • [c] Though not documented until fifteenth century, the chapel has never been listed with a patron other than the Benci family. May correspond to patronage of tomb in crypt for Sanna Benci.