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Building S. Maria del Carmine
Object Type
Space Type
Status lost
Site indoors
Count of Memorials 2
Database ID 10435

Individuals (5 total)

Catelani, Domenico owner March 15th, 1741 to January 28th, 1771 (year is approximate)
della Moriana, Giovanni Vincenzio di Piero di Vincenzio commissioner; burial 1611; April 25th, 1629
della Moriana, Pietro di Pietro heir circa 1660s (date is approximate) a
della Moriana, Pietro di Vincenzio commissioner; burial circa 1600 (date is approximate); November 23rd, 1610, March 24th, 1611 or a day in between
della Moriana, Santi di Francesco burial August 1st, 1667

Groups (4 total)

Carucci owner 1575 to circa 1600 (date is approximate)
Catelani owner March 15th, 1741 to January 28th, 1771
Compagnia di S. Alberto bianco owner 1687 to March 15th, 1741
della Moriana owner; honoree circa 1600 (date is approximate); circa 1611 (date is approximate) to 1687


  • [a] requested burial in this tomb, but died in Certaldo and body not brought back