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Malescotti Bonaccolti

Though indexed in the Priorista Mariani and Ceramelli Papiani archive as the Baldovinetti, and by Padgett as Baldovinetti Bonaccolti, the Santa Croce sepoltuari make clear that the family went by Malescotti Bonaccolti (or di Buonaccolto). Stefano Rosselli indexed the group as Malescotti.

Alternate Names

  • Baldovinetti a
  • Baldovinetti Bonaccolti b
  • Bonaccolti c
  • Bonaccolti de Malescotti d
  • Malescotti e
  • Malescotti di Buonaccolto f
  • Maliscotti Bonacolti g

Heraldry Information

1. Di rosso, alla ruota di molino d'argento; con la bordura spinata (o dentata) dello stesso.

2. Di rosso, alla ruota a otto raggi d'argento; con la bordura dentata dello stesso.

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1361
Year of Last Priorate 1363
Total Priorates Held 2
Ceramelli Number 329
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank New men, 1343-1377
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 1407

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 028 Lapo di Baldovinetto de Malescotti Buonaccolti
S. Croce cemetery 032.1 Bonaccolti family
through the early 15th century

Related Individuals (1 total)

Niccolosa (donna) di Mag. Giovanni di Filippo (uxor Buonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo) i

Locations (1 total)


  • [a] The Priorista Mariani and Ceramelli Papiani archive index this family under Baldovinetti.
  • [b] John Padgett indexes the family as Baldovinetti Bonaccolti.
  • [c] Passerini and Ceramelli Papiani indicate that the family sometimes went by Bonaccolti.
  • [d] The coat of arms represented in Armi di Firenze, Città, terre e Castelli, e Famiglie fiorentine (ASFi, Manoscritti, 471) carries the name Bonaccolti de Malescotti.
  • [e] Stefano Rosselli indexes this family as Malescotti, which Passerini and Ceramelli Papiani indicate as an alternate name.
  • [f] The Santa Croce cemetery tomb inscription is transcribed in the 1596 and Rosselli copies as "de Malescottis Buonaccolti."
  • [g] The family name is recorded as Maliscotti Bonacolti in the 1439 Santa Croce sepoltuario.
  • [h] The daughter of Bonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo inherited this tomb suggesting that it had been installed by him or his ancestors using one of several surnames the clan employed. Given that Bonaccolto's grandfather had installed a tomb nearby with his name on it (S. Lapi Baldovinetti de Malescottis Buonaccolti), it is likely that this tomb, carrying only the family name (S. de Bonaccoltis) was the older of the two.
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